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Accidentally send BTC to my BCH address

Sun Mar 25, 2018 5:07 pm

Couple of days before I incorrectly sent some BTC to my BCH address. Then I found the FAQ on bitcoin.com explained like this:

Please follow the instructions below to retrieve the BTC from your BCH wallet:

Press "Home" in bottom left

Press the "+" sign on the right of "Bitcoin (BTC) wallets"

Create personal wallet. Enter a name for the wallet, for example "BTC recovery wallet"

Make sure that the "coin" is set to (BTC)

Show advanced options

Wallet key - Tap on “Random” and change to “Specify Recovery Phrase”

Enter your BCH wallet's recovery phrase (you can get it from Settings > [Name of your BCH wallet] > Backup)

Make sure "Single address wallet” are turned OFF. You don't need to change the derivation path.

Create wallet. If you get an error “Error creating wallet: Key already associated with an existing wallet”, continue to step 10 and select your existing BTC wallets instead of the newly created "recovery wallet" then follow the rest of the steps.

I was keep doing these until step 8. Then my wallet (the newest version) displays like the image. I left it for more than 20 hours but it is still generating. Would it possible to solve this problem? Thank you!

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Re: Accidentally send BTC to my BCH address

Wed Mar 28, 2018 7:51 pm

Please double check that you have the newest version of the wallet. If so, please contact support at wallet@bitcoin.com

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