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Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
Posts: 483
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Chinese miners have started dumping their Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)

Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:21 pm

GPUs For Disposal

With China’s Crackdown in motion, Chinese miners have started dumping their Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) on second-hand markets.

Over the past one and a half months, the number of new posts selling stacks of GPU on Xianyu has remarkably increased. Xianyu, for those unfamiliar, is an online marketplace in China owned by Alibaba and popular for second-hand sales.

The Chinese State Council’s crackdown was originally intended to regulate Bitcoin mining and trading. Still, causality now has provincial governments ordering power plants to cut off their virtual currency mining farms supply.

As a result, GPU mining farms are now facing the risk of termination despite being less energy-intensive than bitcoin mining.

All conditions considered, what better way to dispose of off GPUs than to sell them to anyone willing.


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