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Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
Posts: 483
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:19 am

BNB May Be Able To Outperform Apple & Amazon

Sat Jun 12, 2021 11:07 am

BNB bulls will have to work extra hard to make CZ’s objective reality since Bitcoin is the only digital currency with a market valuation of $1 trillion.

Despite this, there are reasons to be hopeful. Digital currencies have historically required a shorter time to establish market value than many conventional assets, which have taken millennia.

Bitcoin took just 12 years to acquire a $1 trillion market value, but Amazon and Apple took 24 and 42 years, respectively.

Similarly, in a much shorter amount of time, numerous leading cryptocurrencies have outperformed several large conventional firms in terms of market value.

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