Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
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What is the investing behavior according to the Bitcoin such a collapsing uptrend?

Wed May 19, 2021 9:12 am

一.Bitcoin News on May 19th
BTC had broke past its first strong support at $43k. It still collapsed near $40k. In the collapsing uptrend, what does the behaviors to gain profits on the Bitcoin on BitOffer?

二.BitOffer Investing behavior
What is Dual-Currency?

Dual-Currency launched by BitOffer is a non-principal protected investment product with floating returns. Investors don't have to predict the direction of the market since they can earn stable returns whether the market pumps or dumps. Besides avg daily return in 0.2% to 1%, it also supports different tenors for users to set up a flexible investment plan.


三.Experience on BitOffer DUAL-CURRENCY on May 19th



Product: DC-USDT-30MAR21-38000
Tenor: 1-Day
Linked Price: $38,000
Annualized Yield: 255.50%

Product: DC-BTC-30MAR21-44000
Tenor: 1-Day
Linked Price: $44,000
Annualized Yield: 142.35%

四.More Detailed Introduction on BitOffer Dual Currency

Dual Currency Product is a non-principal protected investment product with floating return. The yield of the product is secured at the time of purchase, while the currency in which the product will be settled changes depending on how the Settlement Price compares with the Linked Price. A short-term investment product, Dual Currency could potentially provide very high return. We have also designed it with a selection of tenors, catering to your varying risk appetite.

Dual Currency -USDT
Dual Currency - USDT : The Investment Currency is USDT. The Settlement Currency can either be BTC or USDT, depending on how the Settlement Price compares with the Linked Price.

1. Principal and interest will be automatically credited into Dual Currency account when expired.
2. Irrevocable after purchase. No redemption before expiration.
3. Annualized Yield = Yield/(Expiry Date-Today) * 365
4. Settlement Rules:

If Settlement Price ≤ Linked Price, receive BTC, receive amount = (Invest amount / Linked Price) * (1+Yield)

If Settlement Price > Linked Price, receive USDT, receive amount = Invest amount * (1+Yield)


Investment Currency is the currency in which the investment will be made into the purchased product. For Dual Currency - USDT products, it would always be USDT.
Settlement Currency is the currency that you will receive when the product expires. For Dual Currency - USDT products, it could be USDT or BTC.
Expiry Date is the date when your investment products are settled. Your return from this product will be automatically credited into your account on this day.
Yield is the income returned on an investment. It is expressed in percentage and is used to calculate the Settlement Amount.
Annualized Yield is the equivalent annual return you would get if you continue purchasing this product with the given yield for a whole year. Its calculation formula is: Annualized Yield = Yield / (Expiry Date - Today) * 365
Linked Price: Linked Price is a benchmark price. On the Expiry Day, the Settlement Price will be compared against this benchmark price.
Settlement Price is the average of the Settlement Index in the last 30 minutes before 16:00 (UTC+8) on Expiry Date.
Settlement Index: The Settlement Index takes fully account of the BTC-USD prices of 7 leading exchanges (Bitstamp, OKEx, Coinbase, Huobi, Kraken, Binance, Bitfinex). The index will take the average of it.


1. How to calculate the profit of Dual Currency?
For example:
Tom invest USDT Dual Currency on June 14th, 2020, Tenor is 1 day, Expiry Date: June 15th, 2020, price is 500USDT, invest 10,000 USDT, Yield is 5%,Linked Price is 8,000USDT.
On Expiry Date: June 15th, 2020,
If BTC rallies between April 6 and April 10, and the Settlement Price is above 8,000 USD, John receives his original investment + 5% yield in USD. Therefore, he receives 10,000 + 5%*10,000 = 10,500 USDT.
If BTC weakens against USDT between April 6 and April 10 and the Settlement Price is at or below 8,000 USD, John receives his original investment and 5% return in BTC. Therefore, he gets 10,000/8,000 + 10,000/8,000*5% = 1.3125 BTC.
Simply put, it is guaranteed that John will get 5% yield on the expiry date. The only uncertainty is whether he will receive it in BTC or USDT, depending on where BTC/USD stands on the expiry date.

2. What is the prerequisite to purchase Dual Currency - USDT?
There is no prerequisite on your Identity Verification level to purchase this product. Once you have assets no less than the minimum purchase quantity in your account, you are free to invest. However, we do suggest that you review the product specifications closely.

3. Can I revoke the investment before the Expiry Date?
It is irrevocable after the purchase is successful. You will hold the product till the Expiry Date.

4. Can I redeem the investment early before Expiry Date?
No early redemption is allowed. It will be settled by 16:30 UTC+8 on the Expiry Date.

5. When can I get my settlement and how?
You will get your settlement amount by 16:30 UTC+8 on the Expiry Date. It will be credited into your wallet automatically and there is no need for manual redemption.


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