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Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Sep 19, 2019 6:53 am


Tue May 11, 2021 12:46 pm

The Slips team has created a unique staking platform that uses AI to choose the highest return stake of any coin and the lottery pool is invested for staking during the lottery runtime.

Over time the staking interest is collected and rewarded to one, or multiple participants, based on the lottery rules. And it works for all: as the volume staked coins increases, so does the total reward and with that the lottery prize! And all non-winners, simply get their own coins back, at no loss, but with a few big winners amongst them!

SLIPS is a coin that we released to propel the company through engagement and trust. Its has great tokenomics and has a rug free contract. Dev is doxxed, and all proof is shown. Low market cap.

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