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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:23 am

The perfect place to make risk-free investments.

Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:02 am

What is CDO ?
CDO.Finance is the first Yield Farming project on the Binance Smart Chain that offers dynamic risk exposure.

They are a fair launch project with an entirely bootstrapped product (no investors!), with no pre-sale or pre-mine of tokens.

Through CDO.Finance, they hope to expand on the possibilities of decentralised yield farming and create a more inclusive solution, by giving risk-averse and/or capital-constrained users a chance at benefiting from yield farming as well!

Why did they build CDO.Finance ❓
Current DeFi yield products deliver superior returns compared to traditional market counterparts, through efficiency gains in algorithmic actions via smart contracts. In a low interest rate world, DeFi money markets are consistently attracting new market participants and a steady influx of capital.

Due to its nascent nature, current defi products do not offer flexibility in terms of risk-reward adjustments. Granted, this is fine for investors that find the expected yield returns and the level of undertaken risk (smart-contract vulnerabilities, yield variance, impermanent risk) acceptable, but status quo in defi offerings currently excludes

i.) risk averse investors willing to take on lesser yield in return for less risk (e.g insurance funds, endowment funds, institutional investors)

ii.) risk tolerant investors that would like to have their capital do more work for them (e.g retail investors that seek yield leverage).

In the interest of encouraging broader Defi Adoption across different investor profiles, CDO.Finance aims to create risk-reward adjusted derivatives from underlying defi money legos through the creation of onchain Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs).

According to current plans, CDO.Finance will officially launch on the 4th of April 2021 at 00:00

GMT+8. Token rewards will begin at block 6251000

So I think this is a great place to make a risk-free investment

For more info you can simply visit at



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