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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
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Decentralized Voting System Based on BitCherry aBFT+PoUc Consensus Mechanism

Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:22 am


Since the dawn of democracy, elections have been accused of the lack of transparency and security. As societies all over the world are rapidly adopting technology across all aspects of society, a digitalized democratic system of voting might just be the next evolutionary step towards a transparent and trusted electoral system. The potential next conceptual step in the path towards a digitalized democracy is a utilization of a transparent and trustworthy system. Taking this step implies guaranteed anonymity and protection of individuals privacy, and more importantly, assuring correctness of the voting results. As we discover that certain types of technologies can be vulnerable, we must be aware of potential unfair elections. A decentralized election system requires that all the involved information must go public. The core focus is therefore security and transparency. Each vote must be correct and anonymous.

BitCherry Decentralized Voting System BitCherry builds a decentralized voting system based on the consensus mechanism of aBFT+PoUc that accommodates correctness and is transparent, anonymous, and secure. Field of focus lies therefore in blockchain technology which has its roots in data structures and cryptography. The output of the BitCherry project is uses a decentralized blockchain system; the consensus algorithm running environment which is similar to the execution environment of decentralized systems. It ensures the safety and reliability of the consensus algorithm. aBFT is the basis of consensus algorithm which is fully asynchronous by BitCherry. It does not have to waste a lot of energy for PoW problems caused by nor node PoS / DPoS bugs. The system has also inherited the advantages of aBFT distributed consensus algorithm in solving the problem of fault tolerance and malicious nodes.

Safe and Efficient Consensus Algorithm: aBFT+PoUc Consensus Mechanism On a consensus algorithm, BitCherry’s data structure is based on the hash map. It is the block chain pioneering technology with six degrees of separation theory, which demonstrates the value of PoUc user, selects consensus nodes, optimizes the network propagation consensus process. Current system is combined with BitCherry original P2Plus network protocols, and multiple types of applications BitCherry side chains which allows to create a unique aBFT + PoUc consensus.

It is different from the DPoS method; all users can participate in the PoUc consensus. The algorithm automatically selects neighbouring nodes and non-neighbouring nodes to virtual voting according to the relationship graph algorithm and refers to their weights for virtual voting. The selected nodes will receive accounting rewards. The selection rule of the neighbouring endorsed nodes is based on the node network bandwidth/delay, the close centrality of the main/side chain relationship map and the node’s Bit-U value. The node network connection and relationship map are only calculated by level.

In simple terms, BitCherry consensus algorithm is based on aBFT, so any node that satisfy the condition (based on the unique value of Bit-U prefers the neighbour node) can participate in the process of the whole PoUc consensus and almost all important nodes in the circle will also participate in the PoUc consensus process. In conclusion, BitCherry Decentralized Voting System takes advantage of aBFT+PoUc consensus mechanism to allow all voters to participate in both the recording and verification of ballots. It enhances the voters’ confidence and reduced the cost of election and provided convenience to some extent as compared to the traditional approach of pen and paper.

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