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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:10 pm

[SCAM or LEGIT] LendConnect - lending platforms like Bitconnect, Hextracoin

Mon Nov 27, 2017 12:44 pm

LendConnect is a unique lending platform that combines all lending platforms like Bitconnect, Hextracoin and many other aswell as the ICOs connected to these platforms.
You can lend, stake and trade LCT like you are used to with other lending programs. The difference, however, is that we can and will give you higher daily payouts, a better program, a professional team. Stay tuned in our Telegram channel for information. LendConnect, the program the world needs right now!
The most important thing is that you own the coin you buy.
You do not Want your coin stuck in a website and that is why we choose Smart
Contract (ERC20 Ethereum Protocol). When you purchase LCT from our ICO,
Your coin will be transferred to your wallet or Ethereum Or wallets can support the other ERC20.
For some this is a major source of income. If you have good team and
Buying the ICO coin, investment lending, you will be very excited about the affiliate program
ours. Of course we will support the bonus of the business
yours. The bigger the team, the bigger the bonus.

Very simple. You buy the coin from the ICO for up to $ 1.10 and keep the coin on
whole life. You will see prices rise and eventually reach the level you want
you want. It can be $ 10 or $ 100 if you store it for a long time. And maybe $ 1000 more
But we can not predict the future.
You and everyone else can buy Bitcoin at $ 0.10 five years ago.
You can keep the coin you buy from the ICO and heading for the price will increase much more than the price
You bought from ICO. And you can store from your own wallet or on the other
Our website.

Buy LendConnect from ICO or Early Investor for a maximum of $ 1.30, and keep in mind
The wallets are MEW, Metamask, ERC20 wallets. When LCT is traded on the floor
External, you can be profitable with significant price increases, we assume that price
The value of LCT will increase sharply with only 5,000,000 LCTs.
Official Website :

Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 113
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:37 am
Contact: Website Twitter

Re: [SCAM or LEGIT] LendConnect - lending platforms like Bitconnect, Hextracoin

Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:57 am

Check out the Latest Review of LendConnect at

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