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Claymore CryptoNote AMD GPU Miner v11.3 - POOL

Sat Jun 16, 2018 4:02 pm

Miner Claymore's CryptoNight for video cards AMD

Download -!aGQGRJqR!s24iWhgdZcy0 ... VaXab8lA2w

Set the value of environment variables, especially if you have cards with 1 or 2 GB of video memory:






This version is only for AMD graphics cards: it supports 7xxx, 2xx, 3xx and 4xx series, 1GB and more.

This version is only for Windows x64 and Linux x64, 32-bit versions are not supported. There is no support for nVidia.



The address of the pool. Only the Stratum protocol is supported.

Miner supports SSL / TLS encryption for all data between the miner and the pool (if the pool supports encryption), this greatly improves security.

To enable encryption, use the prefix "ssl: //" or "stratum + ssl: //" prefix (or "tls" instead of "ssl").


The address of your wallet, or the name of the employee and other parameters, if the pool supports it.

Pools that require "Login.Worker" instead of the purse address are not currently supported directly, but you can use the "-allpools 1" option to minify them.


Password, use "x" as the password.


To support the Monero hardtop, use the "-pow7 1" option.


The numbers of video cards, by default, are all available video cards. For example, if there are four video cards, "-di 02" only uses the first and third video cards (number 0 and number 2).

You can turn cards on and off during mining by pressing keys "0" to "9" and check the current statistics with the "s" key.

For systems with more than 10 video cards, use letters to specify indices greater than 9, for example, "a" means index 10, "b" means index 11, etc.


The number of hashes the video card processes during one round (HashCnt). If not specified, the default value is used. In many cases, you can increase the performance by adjusting this parameter value. For example, "-h 832" means HashCnt = 832 for all cards. You can also specify values ​​for each map, for example "-h 640,832,1376,0", zero means automatic detection.


Choice of the mode of work with memory. Specify "-dmem 1" to use twice the amount of GPU RAM, in many cases this will increase performance. Use the "-dmem 0" option to disable this mode.

The default value is "-1" (auto-select).


To mend AEON, enable the CryptoNight-Lite mode by adding the "-lite 1" command. In this case, the "-allpools 1" mode will be automatically installed.


The time to switch to the backup pool, in minutes, see the "Failover" section below. The default value is 30 minutes, set to "zero" if there is no main pool.


"Watchdog Timer". The default value is "-wd 1" to activate the "watchdog timer": the miner will be closed (or restarted, see the "-r" option) if some thread does not respond within one minute or the OpenCL call fails.

Specify "-wd 0" to disable the watchdog timer.


The mode of restarting the miner.

"-r 0" (default) - restarts the miner if something is wrong with the video card.

"-r -1" - disables automatic restart.

"-r> 20" - restarts the minor for problems with video cards or by timer. For example, "-r 60" - restart the miner every hour or if there are problems with any video card.

"-r 1" closes the program-miner and runs the file "reboot.bat" ("reboot.bash" or "" for Linux) from the program directory of the miner (if such file exists there) if an error occurs in any of the video cards.

That is, you create a "reboot.bat" file, set the system behavior parameters when an error occurs in the GPU of the device and store it in the folder of the miner.

For example, to reboot the system, you need to write the following line in the file "reboot.bat": "shutdown / r / t 5 / f", where:

- r - reboot;

- t 5 - timeout for 5 seconds;

- f - Forcibly terminate programs without warning.


The delay (in seconds) between attempts to connect. The default value is "20". Specify "-retrydelay -1", if you do not need to reconnect, in this mode the program-miner will close when the connection is lost.


Create a log file and display debug messages.

"-dbg 0" (default) - create a log file, but do not display debug messages.

"-dbg 1" - create a log file and output debug messages.

"-dbg -1" - there is no file, no debugging messages.


The name of the debug log file. After the restart, the miner will add the new data to the same file. If you want to clear old log data, the file name must contain the string "noappend".

If this option is omitted, the default debug file name will be used.


Low intensity mode. Reduces the intensity of mining, useful if your cards are overheated. Note that the production rate also decreases.

A higher value of the parameter means less heat and a lower production rate, for example, "-li 10" means less heat and lower speed than "-li 1". You can also specify values ​​for each card, for example "-li 3,10,50".

The default value is "0" - low-intensity mode is disabled.


Setting the target temperature of the video card. For example, "-tt 80" sets the temperature to 80 ° C. You can specify temperature values ​​for each card, for example: "-tt 70,80,75".

You can also set a certain fan speed: if you specify a negative value, for example, "-tt -50", then the fan speed will be set to 50% of the maximum value. If you specify the value "-tt 0", the control is turned off and the statistics of the video cards are hidden.

"-tt 1" (default): The miner does not control the speed of the fans, but shows the temperature of the video cards and the speed of the fans every 30 seconds. Enter values ​​from 2 to 5, if this is too often.

Note: for Linux gpu-pro drivers, the liner must have root-rights to control the fans, otherwise only monitoring will be available.


Automatic decrease in production intensity if the GPU temperature is higher than the specified value. For example, the option "-ttli 80" reduces the production rate if the GPU temperature is above 80 ° C.

You can see whether the intensity was reduced in detailed statistics (by pressing the "s" key).

You can also specify values ​​for each map, for example "-ttli 80,85,80". You must also specify a non-zero value for the "-tt" option to enable the -ttli option.

It is recommended to set the value "-ttli" higher than "-tt" to 3-5 ° C.


The temperature at which the program will stop mining. For example, "-tstop 95" means that the maximum mining temperature is 95 ° C. You can specify values ​​for each card separately, for example: "-tstop 95,85,90".

This function is disabled by default ("-tstop 0"). You must specify a non-zero value for the "-tt" option to enable the -tstop option.

If the miner turns off the wrong card, it closes in 30 seconds.

You can also specify a negative value to close the miner immediately if there are problems with the video card, for example, "-tstop -95" will close the miner as soon as the temperature of any video card reaches 95 ° C.


Sets the maximum fan speed, in percent, for example, "-fanmax 80" sets the maximum fan speed to 80%. You can specify values ​​for each map, for example "-fanmax 50,60,70".

This option works only when the miner controls cooling, i.e. when the "-tt" option is used to determine the target temperature. The default value is 100.


Sets the minimum fan speed, in percent, for example, "-fanmin 50" sets the minimum fan speed to 50%. You can specify values ​​for each map, for example "-fanmin 50,60,70".

This option only works if the miner controls cooling, i.e. when the "-tt" option is used to determine the target temperature. The default value is "0".


Specifies the target frequency of the graphics card core, in MHz. If the value is not specified, or the zero-miner is specified, it will not change the core frequency. You can set values ​​for each card, for example: "-cclock 1000,1050,1100,0".

Unfortunately, AMD for some reason blocked the downshift - you can only overclock.


Specifies the target memory frequency, in MHz. If the value is not specified, or the zero-miner is specified, the current frequency will not be changed. You can set the values ​​individually for each card, for example: "-mclock 1200,1250,1200,0".

Unfortunately, AMD for some reason blocked the downshift - you can only overclock.


Sets the power limit, from -50 to 50. If no parameter is specified, the miner will not change the power limit. You can specify values ​​for each card, for example "-powlim 20, -20,0,10".


Set the power supply voltage of the graphics card core multiplied by 1000. For example, "-cvddc 1050" means the core voltage of 1.05V. You can specify values ​​for each card, for example "-cvddc 900,950,1000,970". The newest AMD 4xx cards are supported only in Windows.


Set the video card's memory voltage voltage, multiplied by 1000. For example, "-mvddc 1050" means 1.05V. You can specify values ​​for each map, for example "-mvddc 900,950,1000,970". The newest AMD 4xx cards are supported only in Windows.


Remote monitoring and control port. The default value is -3333 (read-only mode), specify "-mport 0" to disable this function.

Specify a negative value to enable monitoring (get statistics), but disable management (restart, download files), for example, "-mport -3333" includes port 3333 for remote monitoring, but management will be blocked.

You can use your browser to see the current status of the miner, for example, type "localhost: 3333" in the browser bar.

Warning: use negative parameter values ​​or disable remote control completely if you think you can attack via this port!

By default, the miner will accept connections on the specified port in all network adapters, but you can directly select the desired network interface, for example, "-mport" opens the port only on the local host.


Password at remote access. By default it is empty, so anyone can request statistics or manage the miner remotely if the "-mport" option is set. You can set a password for remote access (at least EthMan v3.0 is required to support passwords).


Enables or disables color text in the console. The default value is "1", use "-colors 0" to turn off the color. Values 2, 3, 4 are used to delete some colors.


Displays the version of the miner, an example use: "-v 1".


You can use the file "config.txt" instead of specifying the parameters on the command line.

If there are no parameters on the command line, in addition to the name of the startup file, the miner will check the "config.txt" file for options.

If there is only one parameter on the command line (except the name of the startup file of the miner) - it must be the name of the configuration file.

If there are two or more options on the command line, the miner will take into account all options from the command line, but not from the configuration file.

Put one option on each line of the configuration file. If the first character in the string is ";" or "#", then this line is ignored.

You can use environment variables in "epools.txt" and configuration files. For example, define the environment variable "WORKER" and use it as "% WORKER%" in config.txt or in epools.txt.


moneropool, unencrypted connection:

NsGpuCNMiner.exe -xpool stratum + tcp: // 80 -xwal 449TGay4WWJPwsXrWZfkMoPtDbJp8xoSzFuyjRt3iaM4bRhdzw4qoDu26FdcGx67BMDS1r2bnp7f5hF6xdPWWrD3Q3Wf7G6 -xpsw x

miningpoolhub, SSL / TLS connection (this pool defines the SSL / TLS connection automatically, it uses the same port as for connecting unencrypted):

NsGpuCNMiner.exe -xpool ssl: // 20580 -xwal YourLogin.YourWorker -xpsw x

suprnova SSL / TLS connection:

NsGpuCNMiner.exe -xpool ssl: // 5221 -xwal YourLogin.YourWorker -xpsw x

Do not forget to specify your purse address!


Use the "epools.txt" file to specify additional pools. This file has a text format, one pool per line. Each pool has 3 connection attempts.

Miner automatically disconnects if the pool does not give new work for a long time or if the pool rejects too much the ball.

If the first character of the string is ";" or "#", then this line is ignored.

Do not change the gaps between parameters and values ​​- they are necessary for the correct interpretation of the parameters!

If you need to specify the "," character in the parameter value, use two commas - ",,", this will be interpreted as one comma.

You can reload the "epools.txt" file at runtime by pressing the "r" key.

The pool specified in the command line is the "main" pool, the miner will try to return to it every 30 minutes if it uses some other pool from the list.

If no pools were specified on the command line, the first pool in the list of the file "epools.txt" is considered to be the main pool.

You can change the 30-minute period of time by specifying a different value with the "-ftime" option or using "-ftime 0" to disable the switch to the main pool.

Also you can use environment variables in the files "epools.txt" and "config.txt". For example, define the environment variable "WORKER" and use it as "% WORKER%" in the config.txt or epools.txt files.

You can also select the desired pool by pressing the "e" key.


The manager supports remote control / monitoring using the JSON protocol via TCP / IP sockets. You can also receive the latest text lines of the console via HTTP.

Run "EthMan.exe" from the "Remote management" subdirectory (Windows only).

The "API.txt" file contains more detailed information about the protocol.


- Defender Windows 10 recognizes the miner as a virus, as well as some antiviruses. Miner is not a virus - add it to the Defender / Antivirus exceptions.

Most of them are recognized as a virus by some paranoid-minded antiviruses.

Over the years, many people have taken advantage of the miners, and no one has confirmed that this miner would steal anything or even do anything bad.


1. Install the Catalyst driver v15.12.
2. Return the cards to their regular frequencies (remove overclocking).
3. Set the environment variables as described above.
4. Install a virtual memory of 16 GB or more.
5. Restart the computer.
6. Check the hardware, the raisers.

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