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Joined: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:02 am

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Nami is leaving safemoon behind

Sun May 02, 2021 11:18 pm

NAMI Tokenomics

$NAMI is a fork of Safe Moon. Contract programed to reward holders while increasing liquidity and value.

5% fee auto add to the liquidity pool to locked forever when selling

3% fee auto distribute to all holders (Lower overall penality for buying / selling should resolve cross exchange pricing issues)

50% burned at launch. With a strong burn and 5% LIQ fee, diamond hands will be rewarded.

– 50% Liquidity pool tokens burned at launch (It’s rug-proof) - 50% will be burned at 1000 holders(Burned too)

– Contract ownership renounced at launch (It’s owned buy the community)

TOT Supply =


Marketing =

Initial liquidity = 2BNB

♻️ Official Website


🐦 Official twitter


✈️ Official telegram chat

NAMI Finance is already on Pancakeswap V2

⭐️ Contract: 0xc6eb28838bee73311ced1dccfc288d091289b1c2

⭐️ Proof of LP BURN: Bscscan /tx/0xfc3b858340ac0c9e68ef2a291604de97c02c0b22aedbb8a080e21c936c805964

⭐️ Proof of token burn:

Bscscan /tx/0xc87f3d09126fa7819a2c05bef4fd315d4f045545d8c073c533c67cd73daa14d1

⭐️ renounceOwnership - Set Owner address to 0x

Bscscan /tx/0x378a9d77e7621975e5f69de66c5f2afc6a37950ed25b89d43ccc3109dda9b411#eventlog

⭐️ Charts:

poocoin app /tokens/0xc6eb28838bee73311ced1dccfc288d091289b1c2


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