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Insuring the Advance of World Civilization that is the Bitcoin Innovation, Against Possible Legal Wrong

Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:49 am

9/14/2017                                                                                                 Duane Clinton Meehan

Insuring the Advance of World Civilization that is the Bitcoin Innovation, Against Possible Legal Wrong by Jurisprudentially Oriented Scholars Blindly Asserting the In-authoritative Authority that is Law; by: Showing Jurisprudential Theory of Origin of Human Action Exhibits a Particular Theoretical Unintelligibility Whereupon the In-authority of both Law and Legal Authority is Predicated.

The Bitcoin ensemble of radical innovation is a pure, honest, beautiful, and efficient manifestation of the spontaneity that is ordinary absolute human ontological freedom; moreover,  Bitcoin is not realistically subject to successful detotalization via an American legal system, administered by persons who continually exhibit defeasible flawed reasoning absolutely fundamental and inherent to every extant means of practicing and enforcing law, wherein all jurisprudentially oriented persons, mistakenly presuppose, and tacitly claim, language of law to be determinative of human action and inaction; --- therefore, a radical new defense against legally posited ascription of fault is possible, predicated upon, explaining, and exploiting, a defeasible, essentially silent, flawed jurisprudential theory of origin of human action, thus:

Recent description of the ontological mode of originative upsurge of personal determination to act, presented consistently in works by J. P. Sartre (1905-1980), permits critique of American grassroots/legislative/jurisprudential presupposition presuming: enforced language of law to be determinative of human action/inaction, and/or, that person’s determine themselves to action/inaction, causally moved/motivated by the enforced language of published law.

We Americans perform our civilization in the mode of Constitutional determinism, bent upon police-prosecutorial-judicial enforcement of given language of law, i.e., legislative enactments and judicial decisions, which law, administered as a supreme and inviolable determinative force, is deemed to “rule” the conduct of human action as a “rule of law”; which “rule of law” is ultimately predicated upon a vast series of attendant violent “punishments”, for “violation of law”, up to, and including, death; —- while, all the while, human determination to action actually originates and transpires in keeping with Baruch Spinoza’s (1632-1677), “…determinatio negatio est…” (i.e., “… determination is negation…”) (Spinoza 260.) —- i.e., human action/inaction originates ex nihilo, with all circumstances attendant upon the originative upsurge of human action being negative, e.g.., absence; future; past; objective lack; double nihilation (“The Transcendence of the Ego” Sartre 98-99). —- Spinoza’s dictum is a terse original description of the human ontological mode of originative upsurge of human action, standing at the antipode of a positivist, materialist, causalist, mechanistic, enforced, punitive, language of law, which given language of law is an ontologically inaccurate; ontologically illegitimate; ontologically unintelligible; artificial; false; failing; existentially absurd; incompetent attempt to determine/originate human action, and/or inaction, by givens.

The originative ontological modus operandi of the upsurge of human action, comprehension of which constitutes a person reflectively ontologically free, is the “double nihilation” (“Being and Nothingness” Sartre 435,486).

When imagining doing an intentional act, consciousness performs the double nihilation; which is a thrust away from, an escape from, a given state of affairs, toward a not yet existing, future state of affairs. To “nihilate” means “to make nothing”. The nihilative movement of consciousness, since it is a refusal of a given state of affairs in the name of a non-existent, projected, future state of affairs, is doubly nihilative. Consciousness’ determination to flee the given toward the future makes the particular nothing which is a future/intended state of affairs, and, in the thrust toward that future nothingness, makes the given state of affairs nothing, as a surpassed past (“Being and Nothingness” Sartre 431-434).

Only the double nihilation is the negation, i.e., the negative process, whereby human action originates/upsurges.

Human existential absurdity designates givens as cause/motive/determinant of one’s action, while, all the while, human action exclusively originates ex nihilo, via consciousnesses’ nihilative capacity. (Sartre, J.P., “Being and Nothingness”, Part Four, entire).

Jurisprudential illusion is an instance of human  existential absurdity wherein the illusion consists in blindly, mistakenly, presupposing given language of law to be determinative of human action and  inaction; --- jurisprudential illusion is the ontologically unintelligible misconception of mistakenly presupposing given language of law determines one’s acts, and/or, that one determines one’s self to act, or forbear action, by  given  law.

Law arbitrarily designated by jurisprudence as determinative of human conduct is an existential ontological absurdity.

Positivist materialist determinist jurisprudentially oriented persons lack reflective consciousness of the human ontological fact that determination to action, or inaction, for original human freedom, upsurges only as two negative moments of the doubly nihilative movement of  consciousness, vectoring unto an intended future.
The American legalistic jurisprudential illusion of ascribing to human action an origination in, and/or, by, given written law, is a mistaken, silent, absurd jurisprudential presupposition; consider thusly : “But if human reality is action, this means evidently that its determination to action is itself action.  If we reject this principle, and if we admit that human reality can be determined to action by a prior state of the world or itself, this amounts to putting a given at the beginning of the series.  Then these acts disappear as acts in order to give place to a series of movements...The existence of the act implies its autonomy...Furthermore, if the act is not pure motion, it must be defined by an intention.  No matter how this intention is considered, it can be only a surpassing of the given toward a result to be attained.  This given, in fact, since it is pure presence, can not get out of itself.  Precisely because it is, it is fully and solely what it is.  Therefore it can not provide the reason for a phenomenon which derives all its meaning from a result to be attained; that is, from a non-existent… This intention, which is the fundamental structure of human reality, can in no case be explained by a given, not even if it is presented as an emanation from a given.”(“Being and Nothingness”, Sartre, 477).

The in-authority of American legal authority consists in the jurisprudential illusion whereby said legal authority absurdly claims given language of law to be determinative of all actions by legal authority against persons, while, all the while, defense against the in-authoritative authority of American law  consists in the human ontological reality that all  human determination to action transpires only via doubly nihilative conscious moments whereby each and every originally absolutely ontologically free human consciousness intentionally imagines and intentionally nihilateivly upsurges unto a future.

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