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Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
Posts: 483
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Onto a Digitized Solution

Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:32 pm

Earlier this year, US president Joe Biden’s administration made grave accusations saying Russia and China employed hackers to breach multiple US government agencies. Around June this year, a major cyberattack hit the Colonial Pipeline System and elicited approximately 2.3 million USD. Although US officials recovered the proceeds, countermeasures have to be taken to prevent such severity in attacks, and the RFJ is the clear solution here.

The reward for Justice platform has already received tips which they dutifully share with their interagency partners for further action.

Speaking on the matter, an official in the State Department pushes cryptocurrencies to better pay for rewards because of its anonymous payment structure.

If the tips are received anonymously, it is only fair to give payments in similar discretion.


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