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Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
Posts: 483
Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2021 10:19 am

Liquid’s hot wallets hacked

Sat Aug 28, 2021 11:49 am

In a Tweet on Thursday AM Japan time, the company said that its hot wallets had been hacked and that assets were being moved to cold wallets.

According to Liquid, the hack resulted in the theft of bitcoin, ether, XRP, and TRX currencies. The exchange started tracking the assets’ movements and collaborating with other exchanges to freeze and retrieve the stolen money. According to Liquid, the hackers were able to move part of the stolen money to second and third accounts.

KuCoin’s CEO, Johnny Lyu, stated that the exchange was aware of the breach and blocked the hacker’s addresses.

According to The Block, the hacker reportedly stole assets worth up to $74 million after starting transactions worth approximately $80 million at the time of the attack.

The hacker’s ethereum address had nearly $44.8 million in money assigned to them at the time of writing, while their bitcoin address held tokens worth around $4.8 million.

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