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Bronze Bitcoiner
Bronze Bitcoiner
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Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are Facing an Inevitable Crash: Peter Hasekamp

Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:19 am

Hasekamp wrote an essay for the Financieele Dagblad with his Bitcoin and crypto ban proposal. The paper strongly recommends that the Netherlands cabinet impose a blanket ban on the mining, holding and trading of Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies. Hasekamp believes the crash of cryptocurrencies is inevitably approaching. The Netherlands should thus act swiftly before this doomsday of crypto arrives.

The Netherlands’ head of CPB Hasekamp argued that the Netherlands has been slow on crypto regulations compared to other countries. He added that the Dutch government is well aware of the immanent features of Bitcoin and crypto, which he termed as “bad money characteristics.”

Some of the disadvantages of crypto mentioned in Hasekamp’s Bitcoin ban essay are their popularity in illicit transactions such as fraud, gambling, and criminal use. Moreover, the heightened discussion on the energy level consumption and the carbon print crypto mining leaves on the environment should be enough reason for the Netherlands to ban it.

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