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Virtual Concert ICO

Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:10 pm

We are launching in February a next-generation social networking and live music streaming platform powered by Blockchain with a P2P CDN (Theta Network) & an on-platform token to follow, that has all the ingredients to make hybrid concerts a hit in the new decade. We’ve already signed major event organisers to stream on our platform including major clubs in Ibiza, Berlin, London, as well as major European & US Festivals. It is an unparalleled opportunity not only to show the potential for positive social impact of Blockchain, but to finally promote crypto mass adoption globally.

We will be doing the ICO in Q3 2021, but in the meantime we are opening an opportunity for few angel investors to participate in a small pre-seed round in exchange for equity in the company. Anyone interested in more details, please get in touch via DM.

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