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Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:05 am

2021 Biggest ICO Bonus code Ex7522j5x7 StudentCoin

Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:11 am

I want to present you with an investment opportunity on the #STC platform. The first utility token platform that will be built to teach cryptocurrency in universities! You can create defi and nfts projects, and sell on its own exchange.
⚠️Mobile app for Ios and Android platforms will be ready next week.
⚠️Currently, the #ico has raised around 12 Mil $ aiming for a 21 Mil hard cap
⚠️Highlighted as a potential promising coin on CoinMarketCal

✅ERC20 and the blockchain of Ethereum with Waves protocol gas fee

✅Defi Token using Chainlink's smart contract

✅An advanced interactive learning platform

✅New wallet system will be presented next week, currently listed on 4 minor exchanges, in May/June listed on major exchanges

✅The First office opens in Warsaw, Poland

✅First project Smart Marketing Token (SMT) that will allow projects, crypto companies, and startups to perform different tasks

Our users will be able to test the first beta versions of STC Exchange and mobile STC Wallet soon!

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