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NFTify | Create your own NFT store with no code knowledge

Sat May 08, 2021 5:13 pm

NFTify create your own NFT store without any coding knowledge ! Cryptocurrency is gradually beginning to influence many aspects of our lives. The recent wave of NFT's is even furthering this process. But we have only scratched the surface of what an NFT can me. And NFTify is a brand new altcoin gem, launching on Polkadot's Polkafoundry, that is going to expand the capabilities of what an NFT can be. Creating an easy to use toolkit allowing artist, businesses and regular people easily create NFT's with no prior knowledge of writing code. Additionally they are incorporating state of the art AI into their protocol to keep it safe and copyright free. This copyright protection is a big component of what set's NFTify apart from other NFT projects. PolkaFoundry is about to go bananas and NFTify is going to be a big part of this.

Watch the video :

#BHB #TheCryptoLifeStyle

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