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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 12:32 pm

Boopsy Offer Holder Reward Token.

Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:21 pm

what is boopsy ?
As I know, Boopsy is a smart contract that gives BOOP holders more BOOP until there are no more BOOPs given. Their project started in August 2020 and the smart contract was fully completed and deployed-no owners, managers or governance.

Token supply grows from 5 million to 100 million BOOP through daily owner payments (1% -5%).Smart contracts adjust payment rates based on the number of new holders each day.

The Boopsy smart contract has been tested fairly rigorously - feel free to browse the Github repository to see the automated test suite. We have also taken measures to keep the contract very simple as to avoid introducing bugs.

That being said, this is a new experimental project so it is quite possible the smart contract will not behave as intended. Proceed with caution.
Launch (IDO) - February 21, 2021

 The project is complete and the Boopsy smart contract has been deployed as of February 19, 2021.
 Boopsy will be launched on Uniswap on Sunday February 21, 2021 at approximately 21:21 UTC (1:21 PM PST / 2:21 PM MST / 4:21 PM EST).
 1m of the total 5m initial BOOP tokens will be allocated to the Boopsy team for development and liquidity costs.
 The remaining 4m BOOP will be added to the Uniswap ETH/BOOP trading pair in tranches over time.
 The initial liquidity will be approximately $100k USD (in ETH) to 1m BOOP, giving approximately $0.10 per BOOP. This gives a fully diluted market cap of $500k.
 We will slowly add more BOOP liquidity over time.

The Basics
 All balances can go up daily, cannot go down
 If the number of holders has increased in the past day , new tokens are awarded to all holders.
 If the number of holders has decreased , no reward is given , but no token taken away.
 Instead,the future reward rate increases.

When # of holders increase
1000 boops increased up to 1050 boops all holders balance increased
5% (max daily reward) decreased upto 4% and the following reward rate reduced by 1%
1050 boops is not changed , holders balance not change.
1%(min daily reward) increased up to 2% and following reward rate is increased

5% (max) 4% 3% 2% 1%(min)
Token supply
5M(initial supply) increased up to 100M(max supply)
When max cap is reached no more token can be awarded.

If you are interested in this, please visit

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