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[WEAC][PoW] Weacoin 2.0 - universal internet currency

Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:03 pm

Weacoin - universal internet cryptocurrency.
Our goal is to develop small projects, support them and the ability to pay for services/products using Weacoin.

Bounty! Join to Telegram group and earn 50WEAC!
Bounty program: make Weacoin pool and earn 10.000 WEAC.
Bounty 2: translate Weacoin topic to your language and earn 500 WEAC.
Ticker: WEAC
Premine 1,67% (250.000 coins)
Algorithm Scrypt PoW
Max. circulation: 14.950.000 WEAC
Block time: 5 minutes
Block reward: 35 coins
RPC port: 31015
P2P port: 31016
Transaction confirmations : 8 (21 for mined) blocks

Ubuntu 18.04 latest daemon
sourceforge net/projects/weacoin/files/
GUI wallet
sourceforge net/projects/weacoin/files/weacoin-qt-linux.tar.gz/download
GUI wallet & node
sourceforge net/projects/weacoin/files/

Source code:
sourceforge net/projects/weacoin/files/weacoin-sources.tar.gz/download

Weacoin site:
wea. pw

Block explorer:

Open Trade
trade. multicoins org/

Mining pools:
weapool .ml Official, 1,5% fee

Road map:
1. Idea (February 2018)
2. Start project, Announce (5 March 2018)
3. Reborn a coin (11 March 2021)
3.1 Windows, Linux wallets
3.2 Starting a node
3.3 Update websites
4. Mining pool (16 March 2021)
5. Explorer (planned)
6. Exchange listing

How to run my own node?
Download instruction and enjoy! :)
sourceforge net/projects/weacoin/files/README.txt/download
How to mine a coin solo?
weacoin webnode ru/solo-majning/
I’m download wallet, but connection is zero?
Download weacoin.conf file and copy to %APPDATA%\Weacoin folder
sourceforge .net/projects/weacoin/files/
Contacts and donate:
Weacoin site:
wea .pw
discord. gg/xpkgaAJ2
weacoins. chatango. com

Thanks for your interest!

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