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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 38
Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 12:32 pm

Time to make money in yield farming.

Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:50 am

I think this is a real opportunity to start investing in a reliable platform. Yield farming gives people the chance to earn investment income by placing funds in a DeFi (decentralized finance) protocol.
An investor deposits digital assets in a lending or market-making protocol to earn interest or fees in exchange for providing liquidity.

CDO.Finance is the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), the first yield farming protocol to offer structured derivatives products that provide adjustments in yield leverage and risk exposure.

They are fair launch projects using fully bootstrapped products (no investors!), No pre-sale or pre-mining of tokens.

Through CDO.Finance, we want to expand the possibilities of decentralized yield farming and create more comprehensive solutions by giving risk-averse and / or capital-constrained users the opportunity to benefit from yield farming.

They hope to expand the possibilities of decentralized farming and create more comprehensive solutions by giving risk-averse and / or capital-constrained users the opportunity to benefit from harvest farming. is!

According to current plans, CDO.Finance will officially launch on the 4th of April 2021 at 00:00
GMT+8. Token rewards will begin at block 6251000

Token Distribution

CODEX Fair Launch Sequence

In the same fashion as fellow fair launch projects with limited initial resources, CODEX tokens will be rewarded to incentivise network participants that assist in bootstrapping and kickstarting our ecosystem.

Utility of CODEX tokens

CODEX will be used for future governance voting purposes in future phases of the project.

CODEX will also capture the economic gains of the system where fees generated from risk tranching activities will be stored in a treasury wallet for token buybacks will be performed in the future. Community consensus will also be sought to decide on future changes in the utility of the token.

CDO Token Information

Token Ticker: CODEX

Token total supply: 18 million tokens

Token Distribution:

Fair Launch Distribution (For users that participate in the pools in platform) : 80%, 14.4 million

Development Fund: 15%, 2.7 million

Warchest (tokens to be minted as required, no lock-in period): 5%, 0.9 million

CDO Protocol - Previous
Next - CODEX Token
Fair Launch Distribution

For more info you can simply visit at



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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon May 24, 2021 10:23 am

Re: Time to make money in yield farming.

Tue Jul 27, 2021 9:49 am

Definitely, this is the time to make money in yield farming.

Yield farming is another way that is fast gaining favor. This is when you lend a cryptocurrency to someone else and get paid interest on it. The allure of yield farming lies in the fact that certain projects have extraordinarily high-interest rates. I've seen a few that had an annual percentage yield (APY) of more than 100%.

DeFi Yield farming is analogous to taking out a bank loan. When a bank lends you money, you must repay it with interest. Yield farming works in a similar way, but this time the banks are crypto investors like you. Yield farming is a method of providing liquidity in DeFi protocols like Uniswap in exchange for returns using "idle cryptos" that would otherwise be wasted away in an exchange or hot wallet.

Don't wait for the opportunity. Take the opportunity and gain a profit from this in DeFi Yield Farming. if you want a DeFi yield farming services and solutions. Don't search for that, your search ends here.

Contact us: +91-9003444928
Skype: Brugusoftwaresolutions

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