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Nickel Bitcoiner
Nickel Bitcoiner
Posts: 29
Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:14 am

I think this is an excellent platform for risk adjusted yield agriculture.

Sun May 02, 2021 6:04 am

As I know, "yield agriculture" is on the rise. Users make money just by using their favorite DeFi projects. But harvest farming is more than just free money-users need to be aware of farm risks.

Yield Farming is a new trend in the cryptocurrency world that has attracted the attention of many cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It looks very promising and is currently considered one of the most popular ways to generate rewards for holding cryptocurrencies.

Today, rewards usually also belong to the Ethereum ecosystem, so almost all harvested agricultural transactions are carried out within the Ethereum ecosystem and its ERC-20 standard.

However, as the demand for yield agriculture is constantly increasing, cross-chain advances are expected to allow DeFi apps to run on other blockchains.

I think this is an excellent platform for risk adjusted yield agriculture.

CDO.Finance is the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), the first yield farming protocol to offer structured derivatives products that provide adjustments in yield leverage and risk exposure.

CDO.Finance will officially launch on the 4th of April 2021 at 00:00 GMT+8. Token rewards will begin at block 6251000

Token Distribution

CDO Token Information

Token Ticker: CODEX

Token total supply: 18 million tokens

Token Distribution:

Fair Launch Distribution (For users that participate in the pools in platform) : 80%, 14.4 million

Development Fund: 15%, 2.7 million

Warchest (tokens to be minted as required, no lock-in period): 5%, 0.9 million

CDO Protocol - Previous
Next - CODEX Token
Fair Launch Distribution

For more info you can simply visit at



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