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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:04 pm

Etheria, this NFT world as old as the blockchain

Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:06 pm


You have probably heard about NFTs, this unique tokens that are traded through the blockchain and that seems to grow faster that any other cryptocurrency on the market

No more than 1 week ago, some guys have just dug up from from the archives of blockhain the very 1rst NFT in history : Etheria, a virtual world almost as old as Ethereum blockchain (2015). It is a minecraft-like map where you can buy and own "tiles". Scarcity is very high since there less than 1000 different tiles. As a comparison, CryptoPunks, the 2nd oldest NFTs discovered so far, are currently trade at a price value of 20 ETH each (~37k USD).
Prices are today around 10 ETH per tile on average, but it probably may grow to 100+ ETH in a few days (some tiles have already been tradable up to 70 ETH) as the hype may appear son. Most people say it could become a "virtual world for crypto-billionaires", where very rich people would be willing to pays million dollars to own their own tile! Companies might also want also buy tile to promote their business.

I think it is worth investing now for 2 reasons :
- it is still very early, since the community on the official discord only gathers 400 people (mainly in Europe), which means it is still a very very niche market. When it is going to get known, prices are going to rise very fast
- there is a growing hype for NFTs, espacialy for the older ones (cryptopunks, mooncats, etc.) as you can see on opensea ; some of them have already traded for 100+ ETH, and this may only be the beginning. Etheria is the very first NFT worldwide

I'm pretty confident that it is a part of history, so the value won't ever decrease. However please be very careful and do your own research before investing, and as always in the cryptoworld, only invest what you would be able to lose !
Please do your own research before

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:04 pm

Re: Etheria, this NFT world as old as the blockchain

Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:18 pm

Here's the address of the discord : 3sxsF5fG7J
Here is the address of the exchange :

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