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DogeSamurai - Frictionless,deflationary,yield-generating token on the BSC network

Mon May 31, 2021 1:24 pm

Our goal is to get to the top tier list based on people's trust.Every marketing and development choices will be decided by the holders


1,000,000,000,000,000 DOG
Airdrop - 0,2%
Initial Burn - 30%
Team - 2,5%
Marketing - 3,3%

Fee on transactions

2% Burned
2% Redistributed to holders
2% To Binance Charity

Pancake Swap
https: //

dogesamurai com

https: //

https: //twitter. com/DogeSamurai1

https: //www.reddit. com/r/DogeSamurai/

https: //dogesamurai.medium. com/

https: //github. com/DogeSamurai

https: //bscscan. com/address/0x91394ffae48b10963cf71e5bd24b588e5e4607ed

https: //poocoin. app/tokens/0x91394ffae48b10963cf71e5bd24b588e5e4607ed

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